Monday, June 28, 2010

Patagonia Part III : Puerto Madryn y Península Valdés

The final leg of our journey was Puerto Madryn. After a fairly gloomy day, morale was low because the city seemed rather...lame. We ate at a delicious seafood restaurant in the evening, which substantially improved our mood. But we were still bummed because we were told that there were neither penguins nor whales in the area at that particular time - the reason we were visiting the area. Regardless, we planned an all-day excursion onto Peninsula Valdés for the next day. This is what we saw:

And not just one whale, but many, many, many whales!

Here is a better look:

It was incredible to see! We were so surprised that they were there even though it wasn't "whale season." They were also very close to shore!

We proceeded on our tour of the peninsula, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but it's hard to top a whale sighting...

Here is a typical scene of Patagonia - lots of sheep!

A fox!

A bird on a parking sign!

As close to seeing a penguin as we got...! :(

And back in Puerto Madryn, two wonderful, positive messages:

(This one corrected for el voseo!)

And, to honor the World Cup, which I have been watching obsessively...

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