Yes, I have been in Argentina for less than a day, and I have already heard my favorite Shakira song! After a brutal 10-ish hour flight, I have FINALLY arrived! On our bus from the airport, I got my first impression of Buenos Aires - plenty of "graffiti" (though I prefer to call it "art") with political messages, both modern and from Argentina's darker past.
After arriving at the hotel, we wandered around La Plaza Libertad, enjoying the fantastic weather and avoiding the crazy Argentine drivers! Good riddance, Wisconsin winter; hello, some temperature in Celsius that feels pretty darn great. Then, as exhaustion set in, we had a nice lunch which included (of course) Argentine beef. After a much needed siesta, our group got together for our first orientation session, the only session held in English. We discussed how we should pronounce our names in Spanish, and it has been decided that here, in Argentina, I am officially Cara. Not Care-a, Car-a. For those of you who are not familiar with Spanish, my name pronounced "car-a" means "face."
Hola, me llamo Face, y soy de Wisconsin.
I love that you're blogging about this. Did you take these pictures? They look pretty amazing. Hope you're having an awesome day! It's snowing here in TN; it looks kind of like a snow globe outside.