I slept through an earthquake! What an eventful first night in Mendoza! My host family is so wonderful, and they have a dog named Tupac! But, more about that later. Here are the highlights from the few days we spent in Buenos Aires...
There are so many animals around the streets of Buenos Aires - birds, cats, dogs - it´s a zoo.
This is a picture taken in La Boca - a well-known and very colorful Italian neighborhood. A tango dancer was having some sort of problem with her shoe, and an eager tourist was there to help!
More tango dancers on the street!
Here are some of the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo. They have marched every Thursday since the Dirty War. During the time of the desaparecidos (the disappeared), these women lost children or grandchildren. Some very young children were taken from their families and adopted - in hopes that they could be ¨saved¨ from the ¨radicalism¨ of their parents. The organization of activists shown in the picture is dedicated to finding these adopted children and reuniting them with their parents. A few days ago, with the help of this group, a father and son were reunited after 30 years of separation.
Later, after a delicious dinner of gnocci and a few glasses of wine, some of us decided to hit the streets for an evening out. By ¨evening¨ I mean 2:30 am, and by ¨out¨ I mean an extremely crowded bar. I met some locals, but conversation was difficult because of 1. noise, 2. my formal and incomprehensible Spanish, 3. their crazy attempts at English, and finally 4. Quilmes. Quilmes is the most popular local beer. Apparently it is awesome, to me it tasted like...beer. Overall, I had a great time, and didn´t get to bed until 4:30 am.
The next day, I was obviously a zombie. Here is the cemetery site of the beloved Evita Peron.
That´s all for now! The internet here is hit or miss, and sorry for typos!!
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